
Prabindh Sundareson has over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He completed his studies from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and Thiagarajar College of Engineering. He started his career in Alstom/GE/GEC Alsthom, then worked with Texas Instruments in Bangalore and Dallas, in the areas of Graphics and Multimedia, Security, and System architectures for Automotive devices. He later worked with mobile major Samsung in their Research group in Bangalore where he participated in the co-development of Camera/Vision hardware IP along with labs in Dallas and Korea, and led the Graphics team. Currently he is an Architect at Nvidia.

He has 11 patents granted at USPTO, and more than 14 patent applications under process. He has participated in the standardisation of OpenGL/ES and Vulkan specifications from He is the founder chair of IEEE Consumer Electronics Chapter Bangalore, is an Executive committee member of Bangalore chapter, was the General Chair of the first ICCE-Asia 2017 conference, is a writer at He has authored 4 books - "Will I Be Mine", "Quantum of Entanglement", "Sensibility through the eye of the needle", and a bilingual book "Tamil Poetry for Daily Life", ( He lives in Bangalore, and likes giving back to Society.

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